December 2019 - Dee Dee

In late 2018, Holly’s parents lost their older Bichon (“Bingo 2”) to old age. For a while they decided to not have a dog but soon were wanting another, but not a puppy. We reached out to our poodle breeder to see if she knew anyone looking to find a home for an older dog. We were given the name of a miniature poodle breeder who had an eight-year-old retired champion who needed a home. Her name was DeDe (we called her Dee Dee) and she was very sweet but had two failed placements. We went and met her and immediately knew she would be a good fit. She moved in with Holly’s parents and all was well - initially - while they lived on a larger property in Cameron Park. In a previous blog, we described the process of moving her parents closer, to a smaller property. At the new home, Dee Dee didn’t do as well (less yard to run) and developed severe separation anxiety. 10 days after Lula passed, we received a call that they couldn’t have Dee Dee any longer. When we had initially picked her up, we swore that she would never go back and if needed we would adopt her ourselves. So - we did. She made a great addition to our little pack after Lula was gone and she soon settled in with no problems. She finally had a “forever” home where she could be herself and adapt to a loving pack.

Sadly, it only lasted about 6 months. December 30, 2019 we said a surprise goodbye to our little girl, Dee Dee.  She was 9 years old (way to young) and died from advanced, undetected cancer.  While we had just a brief moment with her - she became part of our pack/family and we miss her dearly.  She was a sweet, loving, little girl and we will miss her.

Dee Dee’s Tribute Video